D3 - Getting to Know Their Work Advocating for Digital Rights for Portuguese Citizens
D3 - Defesa dos Direitos Digitais (Defense of Digital Rights) fight and advocate for digital rights in Portugal, even though related challenges are still relatively unknown by their society. We talked with D3’s president, Ricardo Lafuente, to learn more about their work in Portugal and beyond. He shared his views on a variety of topics, from video surveillance in public spaces to the necessity of local tech investment and the impact of the Digital Nomad visa on Portugal.
Resilience Technologies: Getting to Know their Work in Advancing Cybersecurity for CSOs the African Way
Resilience Technologies (RT) is a Sub-Saharan African organization committed to enhancing digital security and resilience for African civil society initiatives and at-risk communities. Learn about their pioneering Spyware Fellowship program in Africa, and their tool, Zeroth Cloud, which detects and addresses threats before they can develop into attacks.
Building Safety into Digital Inclusion: Key Takeaways from the USA’s Digital Equity Act Report
Building Safety Into Digital Inclusion Efforts: Risks and Opportunities in the Digital Equity Act takes a deep dive into the expansion of broadband access in the USA, and it highlights the importance of building safety and cybersecurity into digital inclusion efforts. Team CommUNITY’s staff were interviewed for the report, which provides recommendations to USA state and territory broadband offices regarding what they can do to mitigate the potential harms.