Announcing The Global Gathering!
We are happy to announce the location, dates, and format of the 2023 Global Gathering!!!
Where is it going to be?
Estoril, Portugal
When is it going to happen?
September 15, 16, 17
Event Format and How You can Participate:
This first event that we are hosting post-COVID pandemic is serving as a soft launch for our annual Global Gathering, part of a three year vision to build up to pre-pandemic numbers and format in a sustainable, safe, and secure way. This year's gathering will have a much more decentralized format and approach to previous instances. If you are not able to participate this year, do not worry, this is just the beginning. If you are able to come, your focus should be on networking and recharging with your colleagues. There will be no sessions. For the majority of people, we will only have physical space to rekindle connections, with some exceptions that we list below.
The Official Global Gathering Will Consist of Three Parts:
A) The Feira (Open to all DRDs Following Approval)
This year we will only be offering a physical space where Digital Rights Defenders (DRDs) can connect, and then head out together in the host city to participate in activities they self-organize. When possible, we will provide processes to facilitate self-organizing. The physical space will have food and other types of vendors, as well as host select social events sponsored by partners. We will be sending out an application form in the next two weeks if you would like to be part of this space.
B) The Summit (Invite Only)
This will be a very small, invite-only event of no more than 200-250 people. For this year’s iteration, we are inviting managers and select community leaders to engage in a highly facilitated unconference around improving organizational and employee health, as well as mapping out emerging threats in the digital rights space. We are sending invites and instructions for this event in the next two weeks.
C) Satellite Events (Independent, Organized by Other Organizations)
Various organizations are planning to host their own private and semi-private events. TCU will not be involved in these events. However, we want to set some expectations and guidelines below.
If you would like to host an event during the dates of the Global Gathering, let us know by contacting us at This just allows us to better serve the community, as we receive numerous requests for information.
Starting in 2024, we will be able to provide the same level of support as in previous years. However, for the 2023 Global Gathering, this support will be reduced. At a minimum, we will be able to help you think through the visa process, share our recommendations on local spaces and restaurants, and in some cases, offer select support in regards to logistics in the city.
For events that are semi-public, meaning that they are open to all DRDs, we will gladly list them in the agenda and promote them among our Feira and Summit participants.
We hope that all events include a Code of Conduct, and ensure the safety and security of their participants. Having said that, this year TCU will only be able to oversee Code of Conduct reports as they relate to instances that happen during the Feira and Summit from September 15-17. We can gladly offer you consultation on how to do this well for your event(s).
The Beginning of a Beautiful Journey!
We are looking forward to our Global Gathering. We recognize this first trip may be a bumpy one as we kick-off in a new city with a new vision and format. We also recognize that we must continue working towards equity, which has been impacted by this long hiatus. If you are not able to attend this year’s event, it's okay! This is just the beginning of a beautiful new journey together. :)
La Feira will be filled with various vendors, music, and ample space to connect in a natural environment.
Coming back together as a community is what many of us are looking forward to. This year the focus will be on rekindling relationships and creating new ones.
Recharging our batteries is most needed and our new location allows for that.
Replacing glitter with ocean sand and ocean breezes